Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Positives Of Having A Sports Car

Still Thinking Of Getting A Sports Car?

While my last blog presented some of the negatives, I'm here to lighten up your day by giving you some of the many positives of owning a sports car.

Going Fast:

To some, going fast is a good feeling. As mentioned in one of my previous blogs, it is comparable to the adrenaline rush you get when accelerating on a roller coaster.

What makes this different than riding a roller coaster is, you're in control. You're in your car, you control when to accelerate and you control the direction you're going in. This makes it the ultimate adrenaline experience. Although I highly encourage safe driving, there is always something fascinating about including a bit of risk in your experience.

Making It Faster:

While your sports car may be fast, you can definitely make it faster. Sports cars tend to have a bigger market for modifications, as companies will specifically target groups who own sports cars. The logic is simple: If you own a minivan, you are probably utilizing it for its extensive space and comfort, rather than its speed. Therefore, it would make little sense for after-market companies to target mini van owners using performance car parts.
While this may be true for mini vans, if you have a sports car, you're in luck. There are companies out there that will specialize in distributing performance parts specifically for your car. An example is American Muscle. On the given website, you can the car parts needed to modify your Mustang, whether it be the engine or the aesthetics of the car.

Stick Shift Is More Fun On Sports Cars:

If you're driving stick shift on a slow car, it almost feels like a chore. You can say the complete opposite of driving stick on a fast sports car. Driving stick itself is a very personal experience in which you give full engagement to the car. Your whole body is being used. You utilize your left hand to steer, your right hand to shift, your left leg for the clutch pedal(stick shift cars have 3 pedals), and your right leg for the brake/gas pedals. You simply have more fun when driving stick on a sports car, you feel the car's force pull you forward with every shift. Stick shift sport cars also tend to be faster than the automatic transmission version of the same car.


Think about who you are and how much you like expressing yourself. For the reason mentioned earlier (sports cars have more after-market parts than other cars), expression is easier with sports cars. Even coming straight out of the factory, sports cars tend to have a more appealing aesthetic, they are meant to catch your eye.

On the left we have a family oriented sedan and on the right we have a two door sports car, straight out of the factory with no modifications.

Your car is a reflection of who you are, so why not project that image utilizing your sports car?

1 comment:

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