Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Downsides To Having A Sports Car

Thinking Of Getting A Sports Car? 


One thing that I feel people don't give much consideration to is: the negatives of having a sports car. There are plenty of positives, but in the end, it all just depends on whether you think the negatives outweigh the positives. That's what will help you make your decision.

After a year of owning my car, I have definitely become aware of the negative side of owning a sports car. Luckily for me, my love for cars outweighs all of the negatives.


Insurance prices are definitely something to consider if you're looking into getting a sports car. If you're like me (20 years old), chances are that companies like Nation Wide will not be on your side. If you're anything younger than 25, chances are that insurance companies will charge you more than what they would charge a "responsible adult". Why is this? This speaks for itself, given the age, insurance companies figure that younger drivers will be more irresponsible on the road. This is for many reasons, whether it be because young drivers do not have as much experience or, you put someone like me behind the steering wheel of a sports car and this happens:

Logically, risky driving increases the chances of an accident.

Gas Prices:

If you're capable of reading this, chances are you've been in a car. In order for those cars to work, they need gasoline. The thing about getting a sports car is that they usually have a stronger engine. A good example is a V8 engine, often seen in muscle cars:
While the engine itself looks and sounds great, the number of miles each gallon of gas gives you will not. As a daily driven car, my V8 is averaging 13 miles per gallon, on average. Today I drove past a gas station selling each gallon for $1.79. Given the price, the weekly total is not too high. However, we are all aware that gas prices can rise at very rapid speeds. Your weekly spending on gas can double in a matter of a few weeks.


If you drive a sports car, chances are that you will get profiled at one point or another. The other day, I was pulling out of my street. A cop drove by and looked straight at me. I pulled out of the street only to find that the cop was waiting for me on the side of the road. As soon as I passed him, he turned his lights on and pulled me over. Mind that I was not speeding or doing anything irresponsible (at the moment). I was pulled over because my "tints are too dark". While they are five percent "too dark", this is not something that is visible to the human eye. He would have had to use a device that scans the tint percentage in order to know this. With that being said, you may sometimes get pulled over because they simply assume you're up to something.

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