Monday, March 7, 2016

Looking For A Car? Check This Out Before Buying One

Things To Consider Before Buying A Car


If you're reading this, I would have to assume that you're either: A). looking for a car or B). reading blog posts for one of your classes. Luckily for you, there is no particularly right answer, I will try to educate you on the topic regardless of what end of the spectrum you fall under.


It is safe to say that the mileage given on the odometer is a good indication of the car's age. It is said that on average, people drive around 12,000-15,000 miles on their car. Given that information, if you're looking into buying a 2014 Camry and it has 349,320 miles on the odometer, it is probably not a good idea to purchase this car. You'd expect a 2014 car to have 24,000-30,000 miles. Being below the mileage expectation is usually a good thing, but surpassing the mile expectation usually means that the car is taking more wear and tear than anticipated. The idea is, the more miles the car has, the more the car has traveled and been used. The more use the car has, the higher the chances of one of the car's components failing. Logically, the more you use something, the more it wears down.


Having low mileage on a car you're purchasing can be great! However, what good does a 1967 car with 3,000 miles do you if it looks like this? 
Yes, the mechanical condition of the car is very important. Something that has to be considered is the car's aesthetics.  Keep in mind, you are going to be driving this around. Cars tend to be big investments, therefore its aesthetics should also be a priority during process of finding a car. Even small indications of rust can be bad, as rust can spread throughout the car. As covered in my last blog post, body work can be very expensive.


You can find a car with decent mileage/mechanical condition and a great exterior, but don't forget about what's on the inside.

Would you rather have this? 

Or this? 


If you're looking for a well rounded car, don't forget to take the interior into consideration. Having an interior that is in bad condition can make both you and your passengers uncomfortable. As we've established, nothing in the world of cars is cheap, so remodeling the interior can put you in debt very quickly. It is better to just find a car with an interior that isn't torn up.

Behind The Scenes:

This is something that I feel people don't always pay much attention to. Let's say you get a sports car. The actual car may be at a good price and the car may be in excellent condition, but cars are big investments. The cost is then amplified when you make a more fun choice, such as a luxury vehicle, a sports car or even a sports luxury vehicle. Take a look at some of these points.


-Car maintenance tends to be pricey, now imagine the cost of maintenance on a luxury vehicle. Some luxurious car makes actually set their engines up in a manner that will ONLY allow their certified technicians to perform the maintenance. So if you were thinking of doing this yourself, not a chance.

Gas consumption:

Yeah, I understand that gas is currently at $1.99 at most locations, but we all know that gas prices change more spontaneously than the current weather in Illinois. Given that ideology, you really have to consider whether it is better to buy a beefy eight cylinder engine or a smaller four cylinder engine. Yes, the eight cylinder engine sounds better (literally, the roar is much better), but the four cylinder engine will save you a lot of money on gas. Let's say your eight cylinder engine is getting 13 miles to the gallon and gasoline is currently at $3.99, do you really want every 3.25 miles to cost you a dollar? I'll tell you from first-hand experience, it sucks.



This is a somewhat miscellaneous category, but there is a lot of paperwork to go with every car. Along with paperwork, there are also fees. Some of these fees include license plate renewal, insurance fees and even tickets. You can't do anything about the fees to renew your license plate, but the cost of your insurance is directly correlated to the kind of car you get. Be sure to call your insurance company to receive a quote before making the decision. As for tickets, you can also control your likelihood of getting a ticket simply by choosing a car. If you're driving a sports car, you'll find that cops will often target you, even when you're not doing anything wrong.

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