Friday, January 22, 2016

A What in the Garage?

Aesthetics, Performance and Durability

Like every other college kid, I tend to be sarcastic at times. Sarcasm is cool and all, but I don't think I'll be using much of it, given the intention of my blog. The blog is titled "A Monster in the Garage", as you can see. No, it is not an instructional blog on how to rid your garage of the monsters that lurk in it. It is more of a metaphor on turning your car into a monster figuratively.

My optimistic side hopes that everyone feels welcome to join in on the fun, but my realistic side tells me that the potential audience is: people that like cars. I have decided to write about this because it is something that I do in my free time. I work on my own cars, I've helped others work on their cars and I work at a car dealer. If you're reading this, chances are that you own a car too. As you can see, we can already relate on so many levels.

I will be writing about many ways in which you can improve your car. This will cover aesthetics, performance and even durability.

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