Friday, January 29, 2016

Small Changes That Will Improve Your Car

Hello! Welcome back.

Today's post will be educating you on some of the more basic things that you can do to enhance your car's performance. You'd be surprised at how some of these minor alterations can make a big difference!


To the average reader, tires may seem insignificant. If you thought that before, you will definitely change your mind this time around. Let us take a look at what tires do. You step on the accelerator, your wheels begin to spin, and suddenly you're in motion! When your tires do not have tread (part of the tire that grips the road), you can get into big trouble. Although having no tread is excellent for doing , donuts as shown in the video. If you do not intend to do donuts, you should definitely invest in some good tires. Having tires with good tread helps you grip the road when you're accelerating at a rapid pace. More importantly, good tires are essential to your safety, as they will help you steer and stop at faster rates when needed.
If your car is rear wheel drive, it also helps to buy tires that are wider than the factory tires. It gives you an aggressive stance and these tires also provide more contact to the pavement, therefore providing more traction.

Cleaning your Fuel Injectors

Intimidating title, right? Well, I'm happy to let you know that this is actually the easiest thing I will probably ever talk about. Here's how it works. You run to your local auto parts store, you purchase a bottle of fuel injector cleaner, which will cost you no more than $6. It should look something like this:

What does this little thing do and why is it shaped like that, you may be asking yourself. Alright, here is all that you have to do:

1. Wait until your gas tank is low.
2. Open the bottle and pour the liquid into your gas tank.
3. Refill your gas tank with gasoline.

And you're done!
Here's how it works. It cleans your fuel system by removing all the junk inside of it! As a result, you can regain lost acceleration, fuel economy, power and operation of the fuel gauge sensor. 
Fuel injectors spray a mix of air and fuel into the car's cylinders in order to make the engine function. It is essential to have these bad boys clean in order for maximum performance. Techron recommends the additive every 3,000 miles or so.

Thank you for reading the bit of information that I am sharing today,  hope to see you soon!


Friday, January 22, 2016

A What in the Garage?

Aesthetics, Performance and Durability

Like every other college kid, I tend to be sarcastic at times. Sarcasm is cool and all, but I don't think I'll be using much of it, given the intention of my blog. The blog is titled "A Monster in the Garage", as you can see. No, it is not an instructional blog on how to rid your garage of the monsters that lurk in it. It is more of a metaphor on turning your car into a monster figuratively.

My optimistic side hopes that everyone feels welcome to join in on the fun, but my realistic side tells me that the potential audience is: people that like cars. I have decided to write about this because it is something that I do in my free time. I work on my own cars, I've helped others work on their cars and I work at a car dealer. If you're reading this, chances are that you own a car too. As you can see, we can already relate on so many levels.

I will be writing about many ways in which you can improve your car. This will cover aesthetics, performance and even durability.